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Learning About Resources - Editing Resource Properties
Vina Kapasiawala

Now I have uploaded most of my data into resources, working with an individual resource is easy to do.

I clicked on one of my images, the image properties displayed on the right-side, there are many wonderful options available:


Add a resource to an existing Gallery (to display on a page as a banner or list, grid or slideshow).

Move a resource to an existing folder for organisation.
Delete Resource from Resources. Once deleted the resource will be also be removed from any pages. Deleted resources will remain in Resources > Deleted Resources area for 30 days before being permanently deleted.
Replace Resource, allows you to upload a new resource from various sources to replace the current resource.
Edit Image, allows you to crop a resource.
Where Used, really useful to view which pages, banners, posts, messages the resource is added to.


Additional Properties

I can rename the file name of my resource, add a description, add a title, Alt Text (Alternative Text) or Tag.


Adding a tag is useful, tags are for internal use only, but a good tagging system can save time when looking for resources.

Check back next week when we create Galleries from uploaded resources.

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